Heeding your call…are you listening?


The Calling of Saint Mathew — and the Calling of our Own Hearts

I’m heeding my call to lead MY TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING RETREAT  to ITALY (September 2019) and I’m scouting for it right here and now with a  glories 5 weeks to discover magically places and experiences for you!

Today I saw my favorite Caravaggio — The Calling of Saint Matthew. aka “Who me?”

I imagine the first thing Matthew experiences is Jesus’ lack of judgment. He SEES Mathew, not his past or his actions. He doesn’t care what Matthew is doing right now. He doesn’t buy into Mathew’s limiting ‘small self’ thinking. The second thing Mathew might experience is Jesus’ unwavering strength of focus and clarity of intention. He’s chosen Matthew. Matthew is called and there’s no doubt about it.


And whatever self-doubt, apprehension, seismic re-calibrations Matthew needs to process or do to just say YES to his call — or perhaps none of that and he simply lets go into his YES — it’s all there in this masterpiece.

I love this Caravaggio because I believe we all have a call and when we first hear the whispering in our own hearts it often looks and feels something like this painting — “Who me? Not me! I’m not ready. I couldn’t do that NOW .. I’d have to give up xx. Who am I to have THAT dream? What if I’m not good enough and I fail? What if people find out the truth about me? They’ll think I’m a fraud, etc.”

Imagine if Matthew had passed on his calling? Yes there was risk, and danger, and heartbreak, but I bet he’d say there was unbearable loving and compassion, connection, and deep purpose and meaning in his life and journey. That’s my guess.

What is your next call? What is your heart asking you to do — something that you can’t bear to wait to do anymore? Please share!


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