How to Leverage your Day-to-Day to create your desired future now
Today I remind myself that my big inspired vision for what I’m creating next in my life and business happens now – in how I show up today – in aligning my intention and my actions – taking consistent, small, steady steps right now. No shortcuts.
There are these glorious moments of altitude where I’ve sped ahead and I can feel and see myself living and breathing in infinite possibility and all the great things I want to create next have come to fruition. I am living abroad and in New Orleans, I’m serving more deeply, driving greater transformation in peoples lives, publishing a book, leading retreats in 3 countries. And my life continues to be full with love, beauty and art. And then there are days when it can all feel so slow, in the trenches + creating time to take care of myself, health, family relationships.
Inspiration is an inside job — I make the ordinary and the ‘necessary’ inspired action when I remember my intention and my heartfelt WHY. I ask myself and my clients —
1. What’s my vision / dream for my life (and/or work) a year out?
2. What thought do I need to focus on today to align with this vision?
3. What is one action today that I can take to drive my success?
I want to hear yours . .
Here are mine:
1. vision – Add to my coaching practice – Leading magnificent, inspired, unforgettable coaching retreats in sacred and spectacular places around the globe that drive meaningful transformation in peoples lives
2. thought – What if this [all of it!] is the fun part? (to quote one of my beloved mentors, Michelle Abend Bauman)
3. action – Get into heartfelt, curious, deep conversation today and serve the next person on my calendar who is hearing the call join me in Italy.
How about you? Share below!